Access Body Processes

Access Body Processes | Access Possibilities | Would Enjoying Your Body More Change Your Life? | Hands-On Body Work

Access Body Processes

Access Body Processes unlock tension, resistance, trauma and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically. Everything from boosting the immune system, weight loss, reversing the effects of aging, to creating what the rest of the world considers miracles on a daily basis. There are more than 50 different hands-on Access Body Processes.

What Are Access Body Processes?

Access Body Processes are a very unique type of hands-on healing that creates dynamic change. These holistic alternative therapies have been used to boost the immune system, for weight loss, to release trauma, to reverse the signs of aging, and to create what the rest of the world considers miracles on a daily basis by shifting energy dynamically and changing disease and dysfunction in the body.

What Is an Access Body Process Session?

An Access Body Process Session, or running a body process, as it is often called, involves running different energies on the body. These energies unlock the tension, resistance, pain, trauma and dis-ease that is locked into the body. During a session the person lies on a massage table. The practitioner places their hands on the body in one or more locations depending on the body process being run. Sessions typically last 45 to 90 minutes. Some body processes can be run during an Access Bars Session.

What Are the Benefits Reported?

Access Body Processes have been reported to help with stress reduction, deep relaxation, ease of sleep, eliminating the effects of trauma, reducing pain, creating ease throughout the body, and improving overall wellbeing. Some of the changes people have reported include a shift in body size/shape and overall relief from acute and chronic pain and trauma. Their relationships and money issues seem to get easier too.

How Do Access Body Processes Work?

Access Body Processes undo the programming that keeps things from changing. Each body process is a unique energy, or combination of multiple energies. These energies unlock the tension, resistance and dis-ease in the body by shifting energy dynamically, changing disease and dysfunction in the body on the cellular level.

Body Processes: Holistic Complementary Therapies

Access Body Processes are holistic complementary therapies that activate the body's innate ability to balance and self-heal. Access Body Processes do not interfere with any alternative or conventional treatments and have been found to increase the capacity and potency of other healing modalities.

Access Consciousness Body Work

Access Body Processes were created by Gary M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, the creators of Access Consciousness®. In addition to Access Bars® and Access Energetic Facelift™ there are more than 50 different hands-on body processes available as part of Access.

These hands-on body processes invite you to change the way you relate to your body... and thus everything in your life. Access Body Processes are just the beginning of the body work that is available. More advanced body work is available for those who desire to take a deeper dive into what else is possible.

Access Consciousness bodywork is some of the amazing tools in Access that is designed to give you greater access to your body. What if your body was capable of a level of joy, a level of peace, a level of happiness, and a level of ability that maybe you haven't yet accessed?

These processes can give you access to a totally different kind of body. Access Body Processes can basically change and address anything and everything with a body, from minor aches and pains and trauma to full-blown diseases and disabilities.

Different body processes can be used to focus on different areas such as stress and anxiety, aging and olding, pain and other discomfort, trauma and PTSD, hearing, vision, autoimmune disorders, humanoid embodiment, different body systems such as the immune system, the digestive system, the skeletal system, particular organs, brain function and circuitry, ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism, and more.

Using Access Body Processes we can begin to shift and change the energy that's creating the minor ache and pain or the full-blown disease. With hundreds of hands-on processes, as well as verbal processes, we can deal with most issues that exist in bodies today.

Access Body Processes are a unique type of hands-on energy work that is very effective for all body types - people bodies, animal bodies, and even plants!

Would enjoying your body more change your life?

Access Body Process Sessions

Access Possibilities Founder/Creator, Julie D. Mayo, is a certified Access Bars® Practitioner (BP), Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner (AFPR), Body Process Practitioner (BPP), Access Bars® Facilitator (BF), Access Facelift Facilitator (AFF), and Access Body Process Facilitator (BPF). Julie offers private sessions and classes for Access Bars, Access Energetic Facelift and more than 50 different Access Body Processes. Below we've highlighted our services that utilize Access Body Processes.

Access Body Process Sessions

Access Body Process Session with Julie D. Mayo | Access Possibilities | Las Vegas, Nevada

Access Body Processes unlock tension, resistance, pain, dis-ease, aging, weight, trauma and abuse from the body by shifting energy dynamically. These gentle touch hands-on healing techniques take energy healing to a whole new level, allowing the body to restructure and self-heal. These processes feel amazing and can create dynamic change. With more than 50 different hands-on body processes, as well as lots of verbal processes, we can deal with most issues that exist in bodies today. Learn more about an Access Body Process Session.

Access Bars With Body Process Session

Access Bars With Body Process Session with Julie D. Mayo | Access Possibilities | Las Vegas, Nevada

Some Access Body Processes can be run simultaneously during an Access Bars Session for additional therapeutic benefit. For example, running Trifold Sequencing with The Bars can assist in unlocking physical and emotional trauma, abuse, post-traumatic stress or PTSD; combining Trifold Sequencing with Circuitry while running Bars can have a profound effect on people with seizures, a stroke (CVA), traumatic brain injury (TBI), or on people with ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism. Learn more about an Access Bars With Body Process Session.

MTVSS Body Process Session

MTVSS Body Process Session with Julie D. Mayo | Access Possibilities | Las Vegas, Nevada

MTVSS Body Process is one of the most potent Access Body Processes. It can be used a thousand different ways and each time it creates a different possibility. MTVSS is often the tool of choice for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning. MTVSS can have a major effect on the immune system. The results of running MTVSS to undo trauma can be quite dramatic, providing ease and healing which years of more conventional treatment have not been able to provide. Learn more about an MTVSS Body Process Session.

Transition Or Possibility Session

Transition Or Possibility Session with Julie D. Mayo | Access Possibilities | Las Vegas, Nevada

Have you been told that there is nothing else that can be done for you and to get your affairs in order? Are you or a loved one ready to transition, but having trouble letting go? Are you looking for a different possibility? Julie can assist those who are terminal or have a life-threatening disease. Whether you are looking for what many would consider a miracle or you'd simply like to pass with more peace and ease Julie can assist you in whatever you choose. Learn more about our Transition Or Possibility Session.

Access Body Process Session For Horses

Access Body Processes For Horses | Equine Hands-On Energy Work | Access Possibilities

Access Body Processes unlock tension, resistance, pain, dis-ease, aging, weight, trauma and abuse from the body. These gentle touch hands-on energetic techniques allow the animals body to restructure and self-heal. With more than 50 different hands-on body processes, as well as lots of verbal processes, we can contribute and help with most issues that exist with equines today. These body processes are very nurturing and can create dynamic change for horses and equines. Learn more about Access Body Process Sessions For Horses.

Transition Or Possibility Session For Horses

Transition Or Possibility For Horses: Equine Euthanasia Alternative | Access Possibilities

During an Equine Euthanasia Alternative Session Julie runs 2 body processes simultaneously on the animal. This gives them the choice to either stay and heal, or transition with more peace and ease. Either way, it is their choice, and the choice isn't necessarily cognitive. This process helps them remember that life and death is a choice and begins to restore the communion with earth that is possible. This can assist with the healing process or transitioning, whichever the they choose. Learn more about a Transition Or Possibility Session For Horses.

Do you have a capacity for healing that you haven't yet tapped into?

Access Body Process Classes: Hands-On Energy Healing Training | Access Possibilities

Access Body Process Classes

Access Body Process Classes | Learn Hands-On Holistic Healing | Access Possibilities

Do you have a talent and ability to work with bodies that you haven't yet tapped into? Are you a body worker, massage therapist, chiropractor, medical doctor or nurse looking for a way to enhance the healing you can do for your clients? More than 50 different Access Body Process Classes are available with no prerequisites. Access Body Process Classes are offered as a half-day class where you learn one body process, or a one-day class where you learn two different body processes. Learn more about Access Body Process Classes

MTVSS Body Process Class

MTVSS Body Process | Holistic Healing | One of the Most Potent Access Body Processes | Access Possibilities

MTVSS Body Process is one of the most potent Access Body Processes. When we run MTVSS we are activating and running more than 20 different energies on the body. This is a way you can begin to recognize that you have hands-on healing abilities. You can change all kinds of things with people’s bodies and your own. MTVSS rewrites the blueprint of your body. Dramatic changes have occurred for many people. This class covers all the different ways to use and run the MTVSS Body Process. Learn more about the MTVSS Body Process Class.

Access Body Gifting and Receiving

Access Body Gifting & Receiving | Access Body Processes | Access Possibilities

After attending an Access 3 Day Body Class, Access Foundation, or any Access Body Process Class you are invited to attend Access Body Gifting and Receiving events. These events are a great place to get together with local practitioners, make some new friends, and enjoy receiving the benefits of these amazing, relaxing, yummy body processes. During these events you will trade Access Body Processes with other practitioners in your area. Learn more about Access Body Gifting and Receiving.

Access Bars Class

Access Bars Class: The Starting Point of a Great Adventure!
Access Bars are the starting point of a great adventure. The Bars are something you can add to your life that will assist you in creating greater ease with your body and everything. The Bars have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life and body including stress, anxiety, depression, health, weight, body image, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more! What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas? Practitioner certification is available upon class completion. Learn more about the Access Bars Class.

Access Energetic Facelift Class

Access Energetic Facelift | What if it was possible to look and feel younger without creating trauma to your body? | Access Possibilities

Access Energetic Facelift™ is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. Access Energetic Facelift differs from other alternatives out there in that is gentler, kinder and easier on you and your body. Access Facelift is a non-invasive, non-surgical, technique free of creams, injections and chemicals of any kind. Become a Certified Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner (AFPR). Learn more about Access Energetic Facelift Class.

Practitioner Training

Practitioner Training | Practitioner Certification | Access PossibilitiesAre you a practitioner looking for a way to enhance the healing you can do for your clients? Are you looking to start a new business in the health wellness and beauty industry, or would you like to expand a business you already own? Would you like to increase revenue and differentiate your business by offering unique holistic services that bliss out your clients? Our practitioner certification training may be just what you are looking for. Learn more about our Practitioner Training.

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